Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Nice ads 5 (click here)
Monday, September 21, 2009
That's All Folks
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Nice Ads 4 (click here)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Nice ads 3 (click here)
Nice Ads 2 (click here)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Nice Ads 1 (click here)
Nice ads Vodafone (click here)
The first one i have for you is by Vodafone. Now I'm using Vodafone service on my HP but to be honest, the connection s@#*. However i would not say about the commercials. You be the judge & the jury...
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009
King's Birthday
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The world's cheapest car

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Over here, a very common sight at traffic lights are the beggars. You can see children, men, women, handicapped person, or a woman carrying a child begging for money when vehicles stopped at traffic lights. (BTW here they call it signal). In picture 1, a woman and a child is getting ready to "prowl" on any vehicle that stop near them and the second picture is a girl approaching a motorcyclist. As you know, my transport is the "famous" ricksaw, so its kinda easy for them to come to you. If you are a foreigner they tend to come to approach you first before the others. I remember a valuable advice given by a friend of mine, Priscilla Patrick (yep the traffic gal) NEVER give them a dime however pityful they look (infact they all look pityful) as when you give 1, you stand the risk them coming in droves as they are usually in a group. I myself had a rather uneasy encounter once. It happen when i got down from the ricksaw and reach for my wallet to pay the driver. The minute i took out my wallet, they just came surrounding me. To make matters worse, that bloke (driver) does not have any loose change. He went around asking for change while these "scavangers" crowd all round me asking for money. I scolded them, they won't go away, and they dun understand English and i can't speak their language. I was tempted to throw a bundle of 10 rupees that was in my shirt pocket so they can go away, but decided against it. Throwing money, naw not really the right thing to do. So the moral behind the story is make sure you have loose change when sitting in a ricksaw. Anyway if you have watched Slumdog Millionaire, the movie shows these people being owned by a master. I spoke to a local friend of mind who also happened to have watched the movie confirms that this is a fact and its a business.......Can you beat that?........
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Food Glorious Food
Food Part 2
Well this is part 2 of the food segment and food is something of a concern to anyone coming to India. My advice is be brave and have faith and as long as you dun take food from the side stalls, you should be ok.To be save, its better to get some "cirit" pills on standby. If you are looking for chinese food, forget about India. OK the first pic is Chicken Manchurian sold at the food stall near my place. Its chicken and the gravy is green in colour and a bit spicy(compared with the others), the 2nd pic is chicken manchurian combo (kinda set lunch) i had at the shopping mall near my place. And the final pic is chicken dosa (tosai) my colleague had. Tasted a bit and its not too bad. The soup here is different as it looks like those campbell soup you get from the can.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Food, something that I took some time to get use to. To be honest, the food here is rather tasty. The curries are much tastier, spicier and there is more variety compared to the nearest mamak joint in M'sia. Besides McDonalds, the other dishes are typical local indian food at shopping mall and shops. The Maharaja Burger (probably the local version of BigMac) cost only Rs65. (RM 4.70). Dun know if the BigMac is cheaper or the Maharaja is cheaper. Tasted the capati the other day, well not too bad if you take it with the egg masala. The capati costs only Rs 3 per piece (RM 0.22). Extremely cheap and its no wonder the locals here eat capati more than rice. I have yet to taste the Dosai (local version of tosai). One thing that I'm am looking for an answer is why do they serve onions? Need to know...BTW one of the pics above shows 5 little drumstick. Its actually chicken wings, I've been told. I have tasted it myself a couple of times and its not too bad. Its called chicken lollypop.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Riding the train in Mumbai.
Life in Mumbai
When you take the auto rickshaw as often as I do, you are bound to come across interesting things like I enclose in the picture above. I have no idea what this guy is carrying but the way is being carried calls for respect. When I took this picture, this guy was walking and is anyone's guess how long or how far has he been walking. The afternoon sun here is scorching and maybe the way he is carrying his stuff, his head is protected from the sun. Talk about back breaking job, this is more like neck breaking job.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Auto Ricksaw in Mumbai
The first thing you encounter is the famous auto rickshaw in India...Well if you have been to India, don't know if you have sat on in any one of these. The minute they agree to take you to your destination, yu get in and they will start with 10 rupees. Then as you go along, the rate increases and this includes you sitting in a jam. The jam here in Mumbai is worse than that in KL. Its really disorganized. To make things worse, they are in the process of constructing an LRT line and the road is pretty much narrowed down.
The auto rickshaw drivers here I can catagorized them as hell drivers. Some are OK, but the majority are worse than the mat rempits of KL. They drive without care about the guy sitting behind (mind you no seatbelt). I dun know about the brake & tayar conditions but sometimes they scare the h!@# out of me. Somemore some of this drivers see that a foriegner is sitting in the rickshaw, they tend to take you the long way so they get extra Rupees and you more.
Some of the pictures here to give you an idea.